Glad July is over and hope it was as refreshing and refueling as you needed. Politically it was a bad patch and your history series should give us a deeper understanding of what is happening plus the fuel we need to cope.

Sincerest best wishes for this new project.


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Thanks so much for the best wishes! I miss hearing from you re the Sunday Recommendations, so it's good to have you with me on Substack. My husband and I had a lovely meandering vacation to Maine, Quebec, and Montreal. Politics hounded our heels, of course. At one point we had clambered over rocks to reach the top of Killington Peak in VT, where we gazed out over miles and miles of mountains fading into the horizon. At which point a teenager with a phone welded to her hand piped up, "Oh, look, Biden's withdrawn from the race!"

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Glad July is over and hope it was as refreshing and refueling as you needed. Politically it was a bad patch and your history series should give us a deeper understanding of what is happening plus the fuel we need to cope.

Sincerest best wishes for this new project.


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