Timeline 1900-2021, which I published in 2022, began as an attempt to understand what was happening in the United States in the early 2020s. But as I tried to get a grip on events surrounding the pandemic and the BLM protests, I found I needed to look much further back than the 21st century, and at far more than just politics. The Timeline’s subtitle sums up the scope: Events Worldwide, US Politics & Culture, Economics, Science & Technology, Books, Visual Arts, Architecture, Film, TV, & Music.
I enjoyed writing Timeline 1900-2021 so much that within a year, I began researching Timeline 1700-1900, which is the subject of my first Substack project.
My qualifications
You may well ask: Dianne, what qualifies you to write books that cover such a broad range of times and topics?
To sum it up briefly: 9 years earning a Ph.D. in Classics (ancient Greek and Roman civilization), 25 years as a bibliographical researcher (Renaissance to modern era), 10 years as a homeschooling parent, 17 years writing on outdoor sculpture in New York City, 25 years writing on art history in general, 20 years writing on Alexander Hamilton, and 50 years studying Ayn Rand’s philosophy. So at age 146 …
Well, OK, some of those overlapped. The point is: I have a wide knowledge of the big picture and the details of many periods of Western civilization, ranging from ancient Egypt to the 21st century.
Timeline 1700-1900 on Substack
As a supporter of this Substack, you’ll get advance copies of each decade in Timeline 1700-1900, and you’ll be able to offer input regarding entries in technology, painting, economics, history, literature, and any of the other categories covered here. More on the categories in the next post.